About Raildays
Raildays is the mechanism through which HOPS promotes heritage railway days out.
Data in the app is contributed by heritage railway venues and edited by Raildays.
You can download the app for iPhone and Android devices.
The app requests access to your location in order to present railways, events, etc to you in order of those nearest to you. The location is not stored or shared.
The Raildays app does not store or collect any personal information from its users.
Some technical data such as device type and IP address is stored, but users are not identified from this data.
If you have any problems, please contact us at helpdesk@raildays.org.
Contributing Information / New Venues to the App
If you would like to suggest a new venue for addition to the app please take the following steps:
If you work at the venue, and the organistion uses HOPS tools, please contact your HOPS Administrator or Commercial Manager. They will be able to add the information directly.
If you work at the venue, and the organistion does not use HOPS tools, please contact your Commercial Manager and suggest they contact us at helpdesk@raildays.org. We will make arrangements for them to obtain access.
If you don't work at the venue, or if all else fails, please contact us directly via the email address above. Please include the name of the venue, and as many as possible of the following: address, telephone, and URL of its website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Please also let us know whether you are suggesting the venue as a 'normal' user or as an official representative of the organisation.
Age Rating
Raildays is suitable for all ages. There is no violent, explicit or offensive content.

Thank you to everyone, from many different railways, who has contributed ideas, feedback and encouragement into the development of the Raildays app.
Thank you also to Jack Boskett Media and Harry Bradley for providing photographs for use in the Raildays app and promotion.